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Age: 528y/o

Species: Dragon

Height: 8'5




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A large, quiet dragonic man with a heavy theme on mushrooms. The leader of dragons and keeper of wisdom.


Agari is a massive humanoid being with dark and light purple skin. He has a long, powerful tail that drags behind him with minimal movement. This tail is extremely powerful, giving him his most deadly attack when needed. Agari also sports a set of wings, with the back matching his skin and the inner skin being bright pink with spots. Agari has claws on his hands and feet, and pointed ears. His eyes are solid blue.

In Agari's most recent redesign, he now has matching horns and spikes that run down his back. As well as a full outfit of a poncho styled after mycelium paired with a matching skirt. Finally, he was given a scar down his face and chest.


Agari has spent his life as a generally quiet character, speaking little unless his wisdom is directly requested. He comes off as such an aloof authority when in reality, he's always willing to speak to people who need it.
Despite this, Agari could not exactly be described as "kind." While all dragons are good by default, Agari is not kind. He does not consider others for the sake of kindess and compassion, but in that it's his responsibility to do so. While the effect is the same, it can be quite obvious that he has little interpersonal care the longer he's around.


  • Geokinesis
  • One of his most offensive abilities, Agari posesses the ability to teleport via dirt, mud, rock, stone, and other earthen substances, merging into earth and appearing anywhere else from the same element. As an extention of this ability, he is also capable of minor manipulation of these same elements without physical contact.

  • Mycelium Growth Acceleration
  • When wounded, Agari does not bleed or seem to feel very much pain at all. Additionally, he's capable of incredible regeneration. Fully growing back an entire limb within a matter of days.

  • Sporecloud Disorientation
  • By expelling a cloud of spores, Agari can disorient those around him.

  • Sporogenesis Cloning
  • Agari is fully capable of creating duplicates of himself!


For how long Agari has been in his position of power, few people remember. As the ruler of the local dragons living on Biolevion and a repository of ancient wisdom, Agari has been protecting his fellow dragons and lending them guidance at every turn. He seems not to care much for anything outside of his responsibilities, being extremely strict in his own productivity. Agari does not like being pulled away from his work for anything other than more work.
Because of this, he has few interpersonal relationships that are any sort of meaningful to him. He's quite isolated, but it seems he's also completely okay with that.

Agari plays a pivotal role in the life of another dragon named Zyx. After finding out more about dragons, Zyx decides to seek out Agari in order to learn more about her heritage. Agari speaks to her without hesitation, explaining the true purpose of dragons—to be protectors. This would be a revelation for Zyx, who was always taught that she existed only for destruction. Agari continued to explain various aspects of dragonic culture and their jobs as dragons, giving Zyx a crash course in being a dragon.


  • Creation date is labeled as "10/15/2017" and was added to CORE on September 16th, 2021.
  • Agari was originally an adopt design before being turned into an anthropomorphic dragon man.
  • Originally a part of Nekomaster's cast of characters before being transferred to CORE due to not fitting too well.



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