Flick Dott


She/He/Any Ace Demonic Poss. Human


Flick Dott


Demonically Enhanced Human


23 (June 6th)




5'3 (Naturally 5'0)


Demonic Transformation/Fusion

Shadow Magic

Short Range Teleportation

Enraging Taunts














Originally created as an online persona, but immediately took off as her own character. Despite being her own character, she continues to be a representation of myself in many situations.






Flick is an enigmatic character shaped by the experience of demonic possession, leaving her with fractured memories and an elusive past. She spends her time with her cat Jorj and her friend Neko Master. She's spent many years as quite the villain, but has begun to prove herself to be a much more neutral party that just needed purpose - purpose she found in the relationships she's begun to nurture.


Very little is known about her childhood; Flick can sure never give any real answer, let alone a consistent one. When asked, Flick will indeed go into a long and detailed backstory, and perhaps the first time you'll even believe it, buying whatever tale she just spun for you. However, the next time you ask the same question, you'll get an entirely different answer. Flick can't stick to one and refuses to acknowledge the state of her memories when it comes to her past.
As it turns out, this is due to being possessed by a demon! The entire process of becoming a demon-possessed human can be very destructive and traumatic, enough to completely fracture someone's memory in the rare scenario when things go wrong! Because of this, Flick is entirely unaware of her past or where she comes from, only being able to truly give her history as far back as age 16.
Flick was not born with a demon in her head, but it possessed her somewhere between her childhood and teenhood years. but wouldn't take effect until around age 17-18.

Flick spent her teen years from 16 onward harassing a kid of the same age named Xavier. She originally called him "Pascal" because she kept forgetting his name, but finally, she did this because it annoyed him. His dramatic reactions to her antics kept her around until she finally got bored of him. Pascal was in a gang, one of which Flick still has ties to today. Pascal seemed to have some fondness for Flick and frequently tried flirting with her, the attempts which would eventually be his downfall.
Sebastian was the result of Pascal going behind Flick's back to have someone create a sort of "child" between them in an ill-advised attempt to make Flick like him. This created the very first Flick clone. Flick, of course, immediately rejected Sebastian (so did Xavier after he realized it didn't work, leaving Sebs with Mommy and Daddy issues!) and they moved on at shocking speeds. Pascal's motivation for sticking around Flick and her instability and violence as long as he did seemed to be a romantic interest in her. She crushed that repeatedly as many and as brutally as she could, but in a way that didn't even address his feelings (just to make it that much worse).
Eventually, Pascal would finally realize it was a lost cause (or perhaps a bad idea?) and lose interest in Flick, deciding to part ways. Flick decided this wasn't allowed, but also didn't want Pascal around for a second longer...so she killed him by sticking an explosive in his clothes as he walked away. Flick would hear the distant "pop!" and move on.

Flick spent the next couple of years doing everything she could to find trouble, causing chaos everywhere she went. Flick's favorite hobby is arson and theft, stealing everything that wasn't nailed down and burning the rest to the ground behind her. She was quite destructive! However, this would not last...
One day Flick bumped into a mad scientist named Ernie. The man seemed to take an interest in Flick's special abilities, leading to him questioning Flick until she soon got bored. Not long after, Ernie would grab Flick and start his process of cloning her in an attempt to clone the demonic powers she could use. This went on for some time, with Ernie kidnapping Flick to create a new clone before she escaped and the new clone was dubbed a failure and snuffed out.

Finally, the tides began to turn. Flick would be the target of a bounty hunter Neko Master, earning a confrontation with the new stranger. Despite having some fun with it, showing off her abilities, Flick would be defeated and Neko would turn her in. That would have been the end of it, Flick would have continued and grown worse...but that timeline was snuffed out quickly by Neko's challenge to Flick; Be better.
Flick didn't take this to heart at first, her curiosity about prison being the only thing that kept her in place long enough for her to think about it. The initial thought process was something along the lines of "Who does this guy think he is? Telling me to be better! Hah! I'll show him!" But this quickly developed into a curiosity about what being "better" even meant. She mulled over it for long enough in prison and developed a few skills and lines of knowledge that she would find useful in the future, but the question was still left lingering in her mind; What does he mean by "better"?
Eventually, she decided she was past needing to be in prison and would bust out. With what information she had, she tracked down Neko in England. (Somewhere along the way, she also picks up a strange cat that she calls Jorj. She calls him a rescue and avoids answering further.)

Hey, cat guy, remember me?

Her need for the answer to what being "better" meant would lead to the most impactful friendship of her life! The destined friendship. Flick and Neko became fast friends, although her behavior was still rather rough around the edges. As time went on, it seemed Neko's non-arsonist tendencies rubbed off on her, she just passively became a little, well, better.


She/He/Any Ace Demonic Human


Flick Dott


Demonically Fused Human




Demonic Transformation/Fusion

Shadow Magic

Short Range Teleportation

Enraging Taunts













To express my own more chaotic side while also intending to make Flick "cooler."






When things start to heat up and Flick isn't able to protect herself, the demon Fi kicks in. With a large puff of black smoke, Flick can transform and leap out of the shadows with more capabilities than ever before. Because demon magic is so volatile to human bodies, she's unable to use them to their full potential without some assistance - assistance she gains when "fused" with Fi.


Very little is known about the origins of Fi and how they came in contact. Typically, demonic possession is a rather seamless plug-and-play process, albeit incredibly painful for the human victim. However, there are certainly many times when it can be quite hard on the mental state of the human subject, resulting in insanity or brain damage. With Flick, however, something different went wrong...
Flick once had a younger sister, one that is theorized to have also been the target of a demon. The same demon, even. Before possessing Flick, Fi tried to nab her sister Flunk. This failed when the demon's power and presence caused the poor girl to go insane, something that continues to have an impact on her to this day.
With this possession failed, Fi would have swapped to the nearest target: Flick herself. She must have only been around 13-14 at the time, something that lends to the idea that Fi would have been doing this as a way to kill Flick and Flunk, seeing as children are in no way equipped to handle demon magic. The events that took place next are fuzzy, as the traumatic damage caused by the fusion of these two individuals managed to completely wipe both of the entirety of their memories.
After this failed assimilation was complete, Flick would find herself in an unfamiliar world where she knew nothing and nobody. No doubt this was a terrifying moment, but Flick has always handled fear the same way. "If you're afraid of something, just make sure you're scarier than it is."
Flick's chaotic shenanigans began immediately (if they hadn't already), her first instinct was to start setting fires and playing extremely cruel pranks on people. By every definition of the word, Flick was just a homeless child running around being a problem for everyone. Despite Fi having a firm grasp on Flick's soul during this time, Flick would suffer no pain and gain no power from the envelopment of her soul. Flick would have never guessed what shadows were looming over her.
One day Flick heard a voice. The gentle voice awoke with a strange feeling as if her body were set on fire. It didn't hurt, though...Flick felt cold flames coming from her skin, but nothing burnt, there were no flames there. Flick describes the episode today as "trippy" but often leaves out the feeling of overwhelming comfort and safety she felt in that moment. Fi had awoken, her powers activated, and within that moment had effectively adopted Flick. Fi was able to "absorb" Flick's memories between the beginning of the possession and when Fi woke up, seeing this child running rampant and no doubt injuring herself. Fi, seemingly stripped of all of her demonic viciousness, was filled with a motherly instinct to protect Flick.
This began the partnership of Flick and Fi, and a routine of Flick getting into trouble and Fi getting her out of it. The fusion of Flick and her demonic motherly figure saved her life on several occasions. Originally, Flick was unable to induce this form herself, being something Fi had to initiate. However, as time went on and their souls influenced one another further (making Flick herself more demonic as the possession progresses), Flick's abilities and control over the demonic power within her companion grew. Flick is currently able to bring about the fusion of herself and Fi at will and without having to ask Fi for permission or help.
Additionally, Flick has been permanently granted the shadow magic she currently relies on. That being said, she would still be incapable of using it by herself at this time, the possession simply not being far along enough to give her the strength and stability she needs to wield demon magic by herself.
In a fight, Fi and Flick's fusion is a speedy force, not having the strongest punch or best defence, but able to dodge and evade attacks for ages before you can land a hit. Aside from being very fast, the ability to obstruct the area in shadows is the second piece of the puzzle of her fighting style. Making sure you cannot see, let alone catch her.


She/He/Any Ace Human (?)


Flick Dott


Demonically Scarred Human






Shadow Magic (Inaccessible/Dormant)

Enraging Taunts













Created by Lou as a part of his own storyline in a series called WIP. Despite this being dropped, the concept he created for future Flick was retained.






The older version of Flick after 20 years of development into a better person. She never quite made it into being a "good person", but future Flick is good. A much more lax and happy Flick, having matured quite a bit and calmed down. She no longer goes around causing destruction directly on her own but enjoys encouraging others to do so. Flick has used her experiences to become an arms dealer and quite an impressive businessman. Her empire spans further than most anybody knows, even herself, seeing as she has employed Ramses to handle the deeper aspects of her business.
Despite still having her ties to demon magic, she is incapable of using any of it as she once did. Even with her soul being partially demon soul, she's still not got the deeper strength required to withstand the use of such magic.


The future has yet to be written...