
Theo Holiday

Interested in some new OCs? Check out the Core Character Graveyard!

Graveyard Characters


Howdy! My name is Theo (or Theebs), sometimes known as "Flick!" Happy to bring you over to my corner of the internet!
I'm an illustrator and formerly did a lot of fictional writing! Once upon a time, I was even the mythical being with thousands of OCs. Alas, I have grown as a person and deemed the vast majority of those characters garbage! Ever since then, I've been able to narrow down my list tremendously and kept a solid focus on a much better, smaller variety of characters.
While my interest in writing fiction has declined, I still have one or two stories I would love to get written down someday, stories I've had since 2013! However, as I'm still developing the skills to properly communicate these stories, they won't be available for some time.

While you're here, I recommend you check out our beloved FLICK!! A character I created in 2012 and now co-own with her second dad; the ever-inactive Nekomaster. This character has the love and effort of two lovely individuals being poured into her development, so she's someone we're quite proud of!
If you happen to be a big enough fan of her (which you should!!!) consider joining our Flick-centric Discord server to get more reliable updates on new art and lore! You would also make our day if you happen to draw her or one of her variants yourself...

Join The Flick Discord