
Theo Holiday

Interested in some new OCs? Check out the Core Character Graveyard!

Graveyard Characters

A bit about myself

Hello, there! I'm Theo. This would have been a contact page, but I think it'll just be a spot where I tell you about myself for now!
I'm an illustrator of (many) years with a deep passion for creativity. I've spent my life chasing new and creative outlets to handle anger issues as well as my struggle with Psychotic Depression. It's only been a couple years in my recovery, but in that time I've learned to love myself again. After an unpleasant 8 years (technically 7, the first year was good and made me happy), I found myself left as a blank slate of a human being. I was so deep into my psychosis that I didn't even believe myself human. What was I? I can't remember, something abstract, no doubt. It made no sense. I finally reconnected with people I loved, the family I built but had ripped away from me. I found my way back to someone I've loved for over a decade, to someone who's loved ME for over a decade. Thanks to him, I have learnt what it's like to FEEL loved.
I've been finding out who I am again. What I care about, the values I hold, it's coming back to me. I'm finally coming to terms with my psychosis, coming up with and realizing I can use strategies to fight back against my demons and retake control over my life. I'm finding out how to navigate in the world. I'm no longer afraid, I haven't been for a long time. My future is bright... I'm really excited to be myself.

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